No matter what you want to accomplish in life, educate yourself.  I’m not talking elementary education or college, although both are worthy – might I say needed – to accomplish many personal goals.  No, I’m talking about learning all you can when you try something new.

I started this blog as a way to share background information that didn’t make my books or little tidbits I thought would be interesting.  My goal was to present a glossary, character list, and even a few maps to provide general background for the Farseen Chronicles series that I’m publishing.

I took my goals and, after researching, settled on to house my blog.  I set everything up, ignoring most of the features because I “didn’t have time” to learn the tools available to me.

After a few weeks, I had found a theme, loaded some content, and learned the difference between pages and posts; but I still wasn’t happy with my progress.  One evening I noticed a Blogging 101 course was starting up.  I had seen the announcement before, but come on.  I was too busy.  I have a day job.  It would take too much time.

Finally, I decided to try the class and maybe figure out what sticky posts and widgets would really do for me.  Perhaps there’s a reason to use categories or tags.  Heck, I might even figure out what all those options on the posts form meant.

Four weeks later and I know all about sticky posts, widgets, categories, tags, and all manner of  display options for posts and everything else.  I still want to make some improvements, but my blog is better organized.  I also learned how to find other bloggers and connected with useful content.  I even tried my first flash fiction – after reading about it on other blogs.

Thank you Blogging 101!